Healthy Living

Healthy Food Healthy Living Workshops
Our Healthy Food Healthy Living Workshops help families to build essential life
skills by teaching them how to prepare healthy meals on a budget and how
to meal prep and stretch meals. Families also learn the importance of having
healthy balanced meals and how that contributes to academic success. Click here to register for a workshop.
Family Health
In addition to Financial Coaching, Family coaching is available to help
families achieve self-sufficiency by identifying areas in need of improvement
and working to eliminate barriers to success. Counseling, community
resources, and informal supports are used to strengthen family units.
Maternal Health
We strive to move the needle in maternal health by helping families with
pregnant women identify and overcome health risks, reduce low birth
weights, and prevent infant and maternal mortality through education,
resource referrals, and informal supports.
Senior Health & Fellowship
To reduce health risks in our seniors we offer monthly outreach and
engagement where we work to resolve issues related to food insecurity,
spiritual needs, and general health. Through this fellowship we provide
community to the seniors and offer them connection to one another and to
resources that help with food assistance, rent, utilities, and health care.